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Designed from the ground up for the internet. Simply Login and get started! There is nothing to download.
Create and access your ideaboards from anywhere, anytime with any device that has a modern browser* on Laptops or Tablets.
Easily include any web based resources such as images and site links.
*Not qualified on IE at this time
Please view the 2 min. demo video. See why it is a different kind of 'diagramming/mind-mapping' app - one that is designed to facilitate idea-formulation and discussion.
In contrast -traditional programs focus on idea-presentation - and as a result they are not well suited for the dynamic needs of work sessions.
It is an ALL-IN-ONE web-app to support brainstorming, planning, problem breakdown and analysis, quick dashboards and around-the-table idea presentations. Ideaboards are easier than powerpoint when it comes to quick diagrams.
Ideaboards are easier to use than more complex drawing programs designed for specialists.
All the ideaboards are editable by users. They are also stored in a cloud repository.This makes it easy to share the results of your idea sessions
You can create a knowledge base of reusable templates that can help you save time and improve the quality of your idea sessions.
Designed from the ground up for the web for quick diagramming. Ideaboards include:
Sign up for a FREE trial to experience it yourself.
Take a look
at the help notes and examples to guide you. You will be able to create
diagrams often-times faster than can be hand drawn. Most definitely neater and easier to share quickly.